Learn how to prevent diabetes or delay type 2 diabetes by eating healthy and making smart meal choices. Use the tips below to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Make 1/2 your plate vegetables, ¼ starch and ¼ protein

-Rethink your drink! Drink water instead of juice or sugar sweetened beverages
-Practice mindful eating.
-Eat at the dining table instead of while driving or watching TV
-Monitor your starch intake by using your fist as a guide to the amount of starch you eat
-Eat a palm size protein
-Do not skip meals.
-Have your breakfast, lunch and dinner each day
Use a breakfast plate. This makes less food more on a smaller plate
-Drink a glass of water before eating so you can feel less hungry
-If you usually eat a large amount of food at each meal. Reduce this by ½
-Share your dessert!