Spring has sprung! With the warmer weather upon us, it is a great time of year to become more physically active- both outside and inside. Exercise is important, as it has great benefits for both your body and mind. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Public Health, Americans should aim for 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic exercise, and strength training at least 2x per week. That can seem like a lot! Here are some tips for getting yourself started this spring:
It’s nice out, go enjoy yourself!
Come on, we have been waiting what seems like forever for this weather…You have spent months cooped up inside-go stretch your legs! Hiking, gardening, and going for walks are just a few of the great ways that you can get some aerobic activity outside.
2. You don’t have to build yourself a gym- you already have one at home.
Many household items are easily replaceable for items you might find at the gym. Need weights or a kettlebell? Try canned vegetables or water jugs-even laundry detergent. Miss the Stairmaster? Walk up and down your stairs at home (apartment buildings have these too!) Use your couch to replace a bench when doing triceps dips, or fill a backpack with books for a weighted vest.
3. Stuck at a desk? Turn it into a workout
Standing desks can easily be purchased on Amazon or, you can swap your chair out for a Yoga Ball for as little as ten dollars. Both are great ways to reduce the amount of time you spend inactively sitting during the day.
4. Play a game outside!
Even with COVID still hanging around, there are some great socially distanced games you can play with friends. Try tossing a frisbee around or meeting up on the tennis court.
5. Exercise Snacks
Whether it’s your phone, watch, or any kind of timer! Stand up each hour and walk around for 10 minutes. You will be surprised at the difference this will make at the end of your day!
6. Find a Partner
Spouse, family member, or friend-that-you-can-be-socially-distant-with, find an active buddy! Linking up with someone holds us accountable and makes us more likely to perform an activity.
7. Go easy on yourself
Start small! Want to turn something new into a habit? The trick is to give yourself small, measurable goals that are easy to follow. With the warm weather here, try going for a 10-minute walk 3x a week. Next week, add in another day!
Bottom Line!
These are just a few of the ways that you can begin to take advantage of all Spring has to offer. I hope you will find these tips helpful, becoming an active person is one of the best things you can do in life. Not only is it fulfilling mentally, but you will become healthier because of it. After all "exercise is medicine!"
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